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theaters The First of the Few

Britanski konstruktor zrakoplova, uzbunjen zbog bujanja njemačkog militarizma 1930-ih, projektira revolucionarni lovac... no njegov rad dolazi uz određenu cijenu.
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theaters The Flower of Aleppo

Desperate to free her son from the clutches of Islamist extremism, a Tunisian mother poses as a terrorist recruit and travels to Syria to find him.
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theaters The Fortress

When Qing forces attack the Joseon kingdom in the 17th century, King Injo and his retainers hold their ground at Namhansanseong fortress.
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theaters The Ghazi Attack

An underwater reconnaissance operation turns risky as a defiant Indian navy captain and his upstanding officer clash on how to approach the mission.
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theaters The Griot

A talented but shy storyteller faces betrayal after his best friend steals his tales in order to impress the woman they both love.
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theaters The Guardian

A tragedy surrounding a pop star propels her backup singer to fame, but the new star is plagued by supernatural occurrences.
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theaters The Hand of God

U Napulju 1980-ih mladi Fabietto slijedi svoju ljubav za nogometom. Obiteljska tragedija oblikuje njegovu neizvjesnu, no obećavajuću budućnost kao filmaša.
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theaters The Harouns

After killers slay a crime boss en route to Cairo, a showdown erupts at his funeral between his family, clients and enemies over what really happened.
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theaters The Highwaymen

They're back on the job, and still not playing by the rules. But these old-school lawmen are the last hope for stopping Bonnie and Clyde.
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theaters The Island

Conflict and corruption plague an insular island in Upper Egypt where one wealthy family rules over the land, trading in drugs and arms.
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theaters The King

Yesterday, he was a drunken fool. Today, he's king. With the crown heavy on his head, he holds England's fate in his hands.
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theaters The Kitchen

U ovoj britanskoj drami iz 1961. među osobljem užurbane kuhinje u jednom londonskom restoranu rastu tenzije, gube se živci i raspadaju veze.
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theaters The Kitchen

Izi je blizu bijega iz Kitchena, jednog od posljednjih socijalnih naselja u Londonu. Međutim, kada mu u život uđe mladi Benji, mora donijeti teške odluke.
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