Romantične drame: 195 naslova


theaters Barbara

Krotki svećenik i senzualna udovica neobičan su par. A još je čudnije to što je ona pokopala već dva muža, oba pastora.
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theaters Battle

Nakon što joj otac bankrotira, raskošan život mlade plesačice Amalie uruši se. No susret s plesačem hip-hopa Mikaelom u njega unese novi ritam.
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theaters Been So Long

She's a single mom. He's fresh out of prison. Their chemistry's undeniable -- but are they ready for love? A modern musical.
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theaters Before I Fall

A popular teen's life seemed perfect until she died ... and then died again. Now, she must question everything.
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theaters Bilježnica

The Notebook

An ill-fated 1940s love affair is retold through the pages of an elderly woman's diary. Hankies required.
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theaters Blago gospodina Arnea

Sir Arne's Treasure

U Švedskoj u 16. stoljeću isprepliću se tragedija i romansa kad se žena koja je jedina preživjela brutalni napad na svoju obitelj susretne s jednim od ubojica.
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theaters Blood Money

Ambitious Kunal takes a job in the diamond business, but his life is thrown into turmoil when he's drawn into the seedy underworld of his new career.
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theaters Blue Jay

It's been 20 years since their teenage romance, but their special connection is still there. And so are past hurts.
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theaters Bombay Rose

Fragile. Forbidden. Fantastical. Their love is nothing short of cinematic — but can it survive in these ruthless streets?
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theaters Božanski glasovi

Princezina zamjena 2

Stotine pjevača. Tri audicije. Jedan zbor. Tko ima raspon i može ponijeti gospel u nove visine?
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theaters Burleska


Pjevačica iz malog mjesta traži svoju veliku priliku. Klub u Hollywoodu treba čudo. Vrijeme je za šou!
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theaters Candy Jar

It's a sweet story about bitter rivals. They're great under pressure -- and terrible at teenage romance.
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theaters Chaahat

A young man's love for his father might require the ultimate sacrifice: walking away from the woman he loves.
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theaters Couple of Days

Three couples, each in different phases of romance, head to Ibadan for a fun and frisky holiday. But secrets soon spill, causing trouble in paradise.
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