Romantične drame: 202 naslova


theaters Love Aaj Kal

She wants to keep it casual. He wants commitment. For this love story to have a future, it may need some help from the past.
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theaters Love In A Puff

When the Hong Kong government enacts a ban on smoking cigarettes indoors, the new law drives hard-core smokers outside, facilitating a meeting between Cherie, a makeup saleswoman, and Jimmy, an advertising exec.
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theaters Ljubav u Veneciji

Anonymous Venetian

Prije koncertnog nastupa smrtno bolesni glazbenik provede dan sa svojom bivšom suprugom, što izazove snažne osjećaje ljubavi i nostalgije.
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theaters Malaal

Feelings draw them together. Realities keep them apart. In this city of glaring differences, does blind love stand a chance?
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theaters Manu

Two lonely artists. A trio of criminals. Looming death threats. Somewhere in between are dots that connect them all.
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theaters Marijini muškarci

Marias menn

Ona je samohrana majka, posvećena je karijeri i odustala je od muškaraca, sve dok ponovo ne iskrsne ljubav. Dvostruka.
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theaters Maska

To his city, it’s an institution. To him, it’s a burden. But can he ditch this treasured legacy to chase his tenuous dream?
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theaters Mehandi Circus

In the early 1990s, the love between a cassette shop owner and a traveling circus performer challenges caste barriers and disapproving parents.
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theaters Milea

Their romance ended before it could flourish. As memories of their love linger, fate gives them a chance to meet again.
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theaters Mjesec u Tajlandu

A Month in Thailand

Mladić na dočeku Nove godine u Bukureštu ostavi svoju nametljivu djevojku i ostatak večeri provede uvjeravajući sam sebe da mu je prava ljubav njegova bivša.
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theaters Mubarakan

Organizing arranged marriages can be twice as challenging -- and doubly confusing -- when identical twins are involved!
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theaters Na istom valu

Caught by a Wave

Kažu da je prva ljubav nezaboravna, ali i da nikada ne potraje. Ovo dvoje odlučilo je dokazati suprotno.
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theaters Namaste Wahala

Dvoje mladih iz različitih kultura kao da su spojila nebesa. No kad za njihovu ljubav saznaju roditelji, nastane kaos.
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theaters Nappily Ever After

Perfect boyfriend. Perfect job. Perfect hair. Perfect storm. When her life falls apart, she realizes perfection may be overrated.
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theaters Neboder


Odlučila je da više ne želi biti djevica, no dečku koji bi joj u tome trebao pomoći potrebno je malo uvjeravanja.
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