theaters Margarita with a Straw
Her journey halfway round the world was an act of independence. So was discovering who she really was.
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Her journey halfway round the world was an act of independence. So was discovering who she really was.
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Ona je samohrana majka, posvećena je karijeri i odustala je od muškaraca, sve dok ponovo ne iskrsne ljubav. Dvostruka.
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To his city, it’s an institution. To him, it’s a burden. But can he ditch this treasured legacy to chase his tenuous dream?
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The realities of her marriage lock horns with the realities within her -- with deadly consequences.
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In the early 1990s, the love between a cassette shop owner and a traveling circus performer challenges caste barriers and disapproving parents.
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Their romance ended before it could flourish. As memories of their love linger, fate gives them a chance to meet again.
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Mladić na dočeku Nove godine u Bukureštu ostavi svoju nametljivu djevojku i ostatak večeri provede uvjeravajući sam sebe da mu je prava ljubav njegova bivša.
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Kažu da je prva ljubav nezaboravna, ali i da nikada ne potraje. Ovo dvoje odlučilo je dokazati suprotno.
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Dvoje mladih iz različitih kultura kao da su spojila nebesa. No kad za njihovu ljubav saznaju roditelji, nastane kaos.
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Perfect boyfriend. Perfect job. Perfect hair. Perfect storm. When her life falls apart, she realizes perfection may be overrated.
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Odlučila je da više ne želi biti djevica, no dečku koji bi joj u tome trebao pomoći potrebno je malo uvjeravanja.
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Meksiko 19. stoljeća. Predsjednikov zet ima tajnu. Ali i predsjednikova zaštita ima granice.
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They’re meant for each other – and married to different people. Can they break other hearts for their own to come together?
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He thinks sex will ruin the marriage. She wants to prove him wrong. Can they have their cake and eat it, too?
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Hannah je u svojim gotovo najboljim godinama i nema velikih očekivanja od života. Kada osvoji ulaznice za gospelski koncert u katedrali, život joj se promijeni.
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Uznemirena zbog veze svoje sestre s domarevim sinom, djevojka iznese lažne optužbe koje će im svima zauvijek promijeniti život.
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The lives of a Mumbai man and woman who are both dealing with issues intersect through a TV dance show that she wants to win but he wants to sabotage.
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A woman. A man. An overnight train. At which platform will they disembark? And what becomes of their emotional baggage?
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A love-challenged man and a woman he meets at a bookshop bar begin dating, but only at the shop -- and without knowing anything about each other.
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Sometimes you just need someone to help get you through the night. Sometimes you need a whole lot more.
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