theaters Story of Kale: When Someone's in Love
After leaving a toxic relationship, Dinda embarks on a romance with Kale, whose view on love soon shatters as he wrestles with his own insecurities.
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After leaving a toxic relationship, Dinda embarks on a romance with Kale, whose view on love soon shatters as he wrestles with his own insecurities.
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Bella Swan preseli se k ocu, počne pohađati mjesnu srednju školu i upozna Edwarda, tajanstvena kolegu iz razreda za kojega se ispostavi da je 108-godišnji vampir.
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Shrvana Bella šokirana je Edwardovim odlaskom, pa utjehu potraži u prijateljstvu s Jacobom... koji ima vlastitu tajnu.
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Dok je krvožedni neprijatelj u osvetničkoj misiji, Bella mora pomiriti svoju ljubav prema vampiru Edwardu i sve snažnije osjećaje prema vukodlaku Jacobu.
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Nakon vjenčanja iz snova Bellu i Edwarda dočeka nova noćna mora kad ih šokantni razvoj događaja prisili na odluke koje znače život ili smrt.
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U veličanstvenom završnom poglavlju sage rođenje kćeri dovede Bellu i Edwarda do sudbonosnog sukoba s Volturima.
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A pickup artist teaches a sad sack all the right moves. But he's about to learn some lessons of his own.
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The stakes are high — on stage and off — when a group of talented young musicians face off for an inter-school talent competition.
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Pain. Loss. Another chance at life. In love and friendship, will she find redemption and release from her past?
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It's not that Motti is opposed to marriage. It's just that he and his mom have very different tastes in women!
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He said he'd climb the highest mountain to win her love. Now it's time to prove it. With the whole country watching.
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Science, suicide and the meaning of life weave together in a mind-bending mystery. It all comes down to love.
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After a devastating breakup, on the path to self-discovery, he's dancing to music that pulls at the heartstrings.
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She's waiting for her real life to begin. With a little Christmas magic, and her best friend back in town, she may get her wish.
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Ganjao je san o slobodi i bio je nadahnuće drugima, što je skupo platio. No može li nada ikada doista umrijeti?
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A lonely ranger, a determined mother, an autistic boy and wild orcas come together for a sweetly unexpected love story.
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Both bore surgical scars on their chests. But uncovering the truth behind them could break their hearts beyond repair.
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After a betrayal at work, a finance professional becomes an assistant to a bride shaman in order to salvage her only remaining property — and love life.
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It's a classic, timeless love story. Except for the part where a happy marriage hinges on commode installation.
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Wary of the effects of his good looks on others, a shut-in agrees to attend high school for the first time and meets a girl who's immune to his charm.
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