Romantične drame: 194 naslova


theaters Dear Ex

A boy lost a father. A mom lost a husband. A man lost a lover. In the theater of grief, each longs for a proper farewell.
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theaters Dil Se

The sight of her has awakened him to the melodies of his heart. But can music so beautiful be free of pain?
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theaters Dilan 1990

At a Bandung high school, charming and rebellious Dilan vies for the affections of shy new student Milea.
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theaters Dilan 1991

Dilan's involvement in the motorbike gang imperils his relationship with Milea, whose distant relative returns from Belgium.
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theaters Dilwale

A young couple falls in love, but conflicting loyalties drive them apart. Years later, fate intervenes and hands them a second chance.
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theaters Dostana

To win over a landlady who only accepts women as tenants, two men pose as a couple – but the jig may be up when they both fall for their flatmate.
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theaters Dragi John

Dear John

U ovoj drami iz 1964. razvedeni kapetan i ljupka samohrana majka uplove u strastvenu, ali kompliciranu ljubavnu vezu na obalama svojeg lučkog grada.
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theaters Druga strana priče

The Half Of It

Ona je talentirana i introvertirana. On je simpatičan sportaš. Zaljubljeni su u istu curu. Prve ljubavi su komplicirane.
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theaters Duck Butter

Seeking love that's real, they carry out a radical test. But when the chemistry tapers off, will their bond last?
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theaters Džezer

The Jazz Fella

Mladi mogul iz zabavljačke industrije gradi blistavo džez-carstvo, ali stvari se obrnu nakon što sredi nastup svojoj novoj ljubavnici.
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theaters Earthquake Bird

A precarious friendship. A haunting romance. She came to Japan to start life anew. But has death followed her here, too?
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theaters First Kiss

Zanesena zaposlenica popularne kozmetičke tvrtke angažira bajnoga fotografa koji je potajice zaljubljen u njezinu tetu, ujedno i veliku suparnicu.
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theaters For the Broken Hearted

In three interwoven stories, love ends up in limbo as romantic partners navigate bliss, loss, failures and feelings while trying to make happiness last.
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theaters Fotoroman

Picture Story

Nakon što se preseli u novi grad, nadobudni tekstopisac Nino želi se ponovo zbližiti s Annom, bivšom susjedom u koju je godinama bio zaljubljen.
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theaters Friendship

One catches criminals. The other bails them out. But it’s not the law that threatens this friendship – it’s love.
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