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Support for his innovation is scant, even in his own home. It isn't easy to change the world, even for the better.
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Support for his innovation is scant, even in his own home. It isn't easy to change the world, even for the better.
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In 18th-century India, a Maratha commander leads his army in preparation for a fierce battle against Afghan invaders in this film based on real events.
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Pulsing music, chanting crowds, sirens. As their love ebbs and flows to the sounds of the city, her world begins to splinter.
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Posing as her bubbly identical twin for a quiz contest, a shy student crushes on a fellow participant, who falls for her — thinking she’s her sister.
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Two teens grow up and discover love on a deserted tropical island. But even paradise has its pitfalls.
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Marooned in the middle of nowhere, two teens turn to each other for survival. And a touch of romance.
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Usamljeni, sredovječni švedski jedinog prijatelja nađe u svojem pomoćniku. No kad angažira šarmantnu kućnu pomoćnicu zatvori se ljubavni trokut.
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Walks in the park. Posting pics. Late-night texts. She dove into her first love. He'll make sure she never swims away.
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Mlada djevojka koja je pred udajom započne romansu sa sviračem violine nakon što joj on spasi život. Njezin otac odlučan je tomu stati na kraj.
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Pronašavši hrpu ljubavnih pisama iz 1965., novinarka se namjeri razriješiti misterij tajne veze, a pritom i sama pronađe romansu.
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They're divorced but still living together in the same house. What could possibly go wrong? (Hint: so, so much.)
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Dvije sasvim različite sestre nađu se u sličnoj situaciji nakon što započnu potencijalne veze koje bi im mogle ugroziti uspješne karijere.
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Popularni Stig-Helmer Olsson priča o svom životu, prisjeća se mladosti i pokušava naći svoju prvu ljubav.
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Od bogatog farmerova sina očekuje se da se oženi ženom iz visokog staleža, ali on je srce poklonio zemljoradnikovoj siromašnoj, ali visokoobrazovanoj kćeri.
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U ovom nastavku antologije „Bombay Talkies” iz 2013. četiri kratka filma koje su režirali legendarni indijski redatelji istražuju ljubav, seks i veze u modernoj Indiji.
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Stacy pravi slastice, a njezina dvojnica ima kraljevske veze. Razmjenom života obje će iskusiti što im je nedostajalo.
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He was a sailor. A man of the sea. He promised he'd return. But a lifetime has come and gone ... and she's still waiting.
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Njegov novi prijatelj ne vidi, ali ima svoje poglede na život. Može li očajni muž prigrliti njegove svjetonazore?
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Love has opened its doors to these three young bachelors. Are they prepared for what awaits them inside?
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No longer single, these three guys find that the line between love and disillusionment is a thin one.
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